Last week we started the discussion about how to improve workflow. It is important to always recruit all the people that work in the office to help the physicians and other providers complete their jobs. Once that is done, how can we make sure that the work done in documentation is completed as quick as possible.
Hopefully your office is set up so that you can see patients with the least amount of 'moving around' that is possible. You don't want to go in the exam room, then the nurse's station, then your office, then the lab, etc. Unfortunately most EMR programs insist that you 'move around' throughout the program extensively in order to get your work done.
When designing the Serenity EMR Progress Note Editor, we have gone through at least 10 major revisions. All for the sole purpose of streamlining workflow. Our motto in designing our system is '1 screen, 2 clicks, 3 seconds'. This means that any person's job should be done in one screen. Anything that needs to be done should be able to be done within 2 clicks per job. And anything that needs to be seen or acted on from this point in the system should be done within 3 seconds. No hunting around for the right 'screen.'
Instead of hammering the theme into you with more words, I encourage you to watch the video of how it works: Click here
Please let me know what you think about the system so far. Next week I'll bring you more examples of different patients and how the progress note writer saves a tremendous amount of time.
I also want to invite you to vist our new website at It is still under construction and will probaly be a "work in progress" for just a bit, but it currently offer lots of information about Serenity and EMR's in general.