Hey everyone! I appreciate all your encouragement regarding our Coding Analyzer app on our website.
Today we are going to cover the answer to the first coding question. If you haven't taken the test
click here.
It takes less than 5 minutes and may provide you with some surprising insights into your practice.
Coding Analyzer
First coding question: Patient with Influenza. Here is an actual note from a
patient I saw yesterday:
Chief Complaint: sick
History of Present Illness:
Patient here with complaints of fever with lots of coughing and URI symptoms for 2 days.
Past Medical History:
Allergies: NKDA
Physical Exam:
Constitutional: Ill appearing
Eyes: Red swollen soft tissue under bilateral eyes
ENT: Erythematous throat
Cardiovascular: Normal/negative.
Respiratory: Normal/negative.
Gastrointestinal: Normal/negative.
Influenza A: Influenza A: Positive
Influenza B: Influenza B: Negative
1. Influenza (487.1)
Treatment Plans:
1. Medication prescribed: Tamiflu 75mg Capsules TAKE 1 CAPSULE(S) BY MOUTH TWICE A DAY FOR 5 DAYS (Dispense: Q.S.; Refills: None).
2. Take tylenol or motrin as needed.
3. If no improvement in 2-3 days, call or return to clinic.
4. Take over-the-counter cold medications as needed.
5. Encourage fluids.
6. No school/daycare for 48 hours.
So back to our questions we ask about every patient. What level of service would you code this patient?
99212, 3,
4, or 5? What level of service is the note as written? Take the time to answer these questions and seriously analyze my little note.
My answer will follow in next week's newsletter.
Coding Growth Strategies
One more thing: For those
that are debating attending or puchasing a Coding Growth Strategies product,
I've posted the first hour of the new 2011 Coding Growth Strategies here:
Growth Strategies Preview