Many of you have asked about Meaningful Use and EMR. More importantly, can I use SerenityEMR to get my share of the government money? The answer is Yes. We have clients that are already meaningfully using the system and have already collected the first of their checks from the government. All certified systems collect the data that is used to track meaningful use. So why should you use Serenity?
We feature a series of prompts to ask the user when appropriate to complete meaningful use items. But only certain prompts appear depending on who is using the system and at what place you are in the system. For example, certain prompts pop up when a nurse checks in an appointment versus when the receptionist does. Other prompts occur when a provider is editing the progress note. And, of course other prompts appear when a patient is checked out. All the prompts make it easy to complete the items in 1 or 2 steps. Or the user has the option of 'ignoring' the prompt.
The nice thing about the system is you keep a running total of your compliance with meaningful use items. Anytime a measure is not compliant it will give you a list of which staff members tend to be 'ignoring' their prompts more. When we implemented this reporting system and told our staff about it, guess what happened? That's right. Immediately all the staff started doing the things they were supposed to be doing. Our compliance shot up immediately.
Even better, we trained all of our staff on how to 'implement meaningful use' in about an hour. This includes all 16 meaningful use items plus another 10 PQRI items (yes these are prompted also). So if your EMR system tells you it will take 8 hours to train, look out. They are wasting your time. During the extra 7 hours it takes, you could've seen 28-42 patients. Should it really cost you $3000 in lost income to train for this? That would've paid for half a year of Serenity.